What people are saying…
I’ve been having cortisone shots in both knees regularly every three months since 2019. I was planning on knee replacement surgery in 2020, but COVID broke out, and the surgery was put on hold.
However, since having Body Code Sessions, I stopped cortisone shots and I am no longer considering knee replacement surgery. “
— Rod I
For as long as I can remember, stress has manifested itself as body aches/pains, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, multiple allergies, hives, and anxiety. I also suffered from very low energy. Jessica has helped me gain freedom from emotional and physical distress. With each session, I am in less discomfort, I feel lighter, and I am not tired all the time. I am also taking less medication! Thank you, Jessica, for helping me be a happier me!”
— Sara Y
Along with post COVID illness, I was feeling a level of depression that I found to be as bad as the symptoms and was feeling hopeless. I got started with Jessica and immediately had a reduction in all symptoms that continued consistently over time. I have recovered so much of my normal life. I also was so encouraged by Jessica’s kindness, patience, and compassion that it helped to lift the depression that accompanied these symptoms. I highly recommend Jessica and will continue sessions as I take more steps in my healing journey! Forever grateful and appreciative.”
— Melissa S
She cleared it all at once. I don't need to know what, how, why or any details, all I know is I feel much better and my body says, “Thanks!” Now I'm done and onto other things to clear. Amazing. This is so efficient. Awesome!!”
— Shari S.
I had one session and I was virtually pain free for a couple of weeks! And after one session for my panic attacks, I was panic attack free for a month. It really works!
Six months later, I have still had no severe panic attacks, maybe a little anxiety, but it’s a fraction of what I used to suffer through. I just don’t lose control anymore and have to go to the ER. And my doctor decreased my antidepressant/anxiety medication from 90mg, to 30mg!!”
— Ron
I could barely go up and down the stairs in our townhouse. After having a healing session with Jessica, my foot and knee pain have completely vanished! I am so thankful to Jessica and so grateful to be able to walk normally again.
Four months later, my foot arch is still happy and pain free to the point where I am going for light jogs!!!”
— Hali W
Now it’s like it’s fully gone, and I feel a big difference, not just for my left ankle, but for my whole leg.”
— Elisabeth VP
I happened to have a headache at the time, and she offered to help me with it. Within a minute or two, she had zeroed in on specific imbalances that were showing up as being connected to the headache I was feeling. And then, whoosh, she just cleared them. Within a minute or two, I noticed my headache started to dissipate. It was really remarkable to see results that quickly!”
— Ann H.
After the Tao Hands Blessing, the pain was gone. I don’t feel the pain! And my right toe was also in pain. After the Tao Hands Blessing, the pain is zero! Nice!!"
— Michelle T.
It felt good! And after the Blessing, I felt looser, more relaxed, and energy flowing through my body."
— Jess J.
After the Blessing, I felt calm, and my back pain was gone!”
— Janine H.
About Pain
some of which have caused physical effects on my body in terms of allergies and discomfort. I have designated Jessica as my Energy Healer (Energy Coach) to help me embrace my full potential. Thank you Jessica, for helping me on my journey of self-growth.”
— Pete S
I was sick all the time, exhausted all the time, and I couldn't get negative thoughts out of my head. I was in incredible sciatica and arthritis pain. I couldn't eat anything because of my IBS. I had ulcer bleeding in the past and continue to have terrible acid reflux.
Since I started working with Jessica, oh my gosh, everything has changed and I feel refreshed. I feel grateful for the morning because I don't have pain. My sciatica is gone!! The swelling in my foot's gone down, too. I don't have fear. And my anxiety is gone, I don’t have IBS anymore. Even my allergies are gone. I am just so peaceful and so grateful.”
— CJ H.
I began my sessions with her with three big issues that I couldn’t shift after months of trying on my own with supplements or procedures, even from my decades of experience with alternative and energetic healing modalities. All were medically diagnosed conditions, but I was resistant to using the standard medical practices of symptom relief from drugs or surgical treatments.
Besides eliminating my medically-documented tachycardia, basal cell skin carcinomas and years of hypothyroid issues, having Jessica use the Body Code protocol on these challenges helped me not only release the symptoms but also the beliefs associated with them. When you can let go of the energetic precursor or pattern underlying the presenting symptoms, true health can surface.
And this is what I experienced. After these issues were resolved, I kept the sessions going and released long-standing but low grade issues: a year-old, severe ankle injury; months of plantar fasciitis in one foot; life-long colon issues; unexplained tooth pain; depression about aging and many more. Each week a layer of these would be removed and the underlying emotional or belief trigger released. I progressed towards true health one layer at a time, just like peeling an onion.
I was so pleased with this process that when my cat suddenly developed asthma “out of the blue” I immediately booked sessions with Jessica. Two months (four sessions) later, my kitty is free of asthma!
During all my sessions, Jessica was professional, efficient and consistently caring. Her medical background provides a unique contribution to this type of healing: I found it very stabilizing and it gave me confidence in her abilities to facilitate the Body Code.
The value of the Body Code is its process of removing what is covering up your true health. I think this is where the medicine of the future is heading, but why wait until it gets there? My experience with Jessica has provided me with access to immediate relief of symptoms, long term freedom from deep health issues and peace of mind.”
— Kate S., Roseville, CA
Traditional therapy and medication helped but never healed me. After just a handful of sessions with Jessica, my PTSD and depression were barely noticeable, and I was able to stop picking my skin after years of struggling. I feel like my old self again, and I feel better than I have in over a decade. Jessica is a gifted healer, and she is an absolute joy to work with.”
— Sarah H.
Along with post COVID illness, I was feeling a level of depression that I found to be as bad as the symptoms and was feeling hopeless. I got started with Jessica and immediately had a reduction in all symptoms that continued consistently over time. I have recovered so much of my normal life. I also was so encouraged by Jessica’s kindness, patience, and compassion that it helped to lift the depression that accompanied these symptoms. I highly recommend Jessica and will continue sessions as I take more steps in my healing journey! Forever grateful and appreciative.”
— Melissa S
But luckily, I was able to find you, learn a new practice for myself, and get myself into a new head space. And that absolutely happened, I am so very grateful for being in a new space. You opened me up to the power and magic of gratitude and that has been vital for me. My friends are starting to respond differently to me, they're saying I’m a new, lifted, brighter Eddie.
If you are willing to let this work on you, it can have profound results. It's a complete change from where I was at the beginning. Just yesterday, I received a settlement check in the mail, randomly, out of nowhere. What else could this be from, other than this healing and new space?
I had an immediate response, an effect on my mood, immediately lifted my spirits, which then had an effect on my surroundings and other people. This has helped me not to take on any sort of bad negative vibes either, like armor. You have given me tools to go out into the world in a better, more positive way.
I wake up feeling happy, with another chance to do better. Until now, it was a little struggle to wake up and face the challenges of whatever was going on. Now, the challenges are still there, but I’m framing them differently and it's just giving me more of a get up and go and see what happens next.
This has been really incredible, a huge change for me. Thank you, Jessica, for your guidance, wisdom, expertise, and for taking on all of my baggage and clearing all of that stuff. And thank you for revealing stuff about me that I didn’t know, about past lives, energies, and vows. It has all been really vital.”
— Eddie R.
— Allison G.
I feel lighter, free and happy. I don't feel the need to blend and hide. The other day I was in a meeting and usually I wait for someone else to ask the questions and I spoke up and had to really make myself heard and I did it and it was easy and natural! That is truly amazing. Thank you!
I have been decluttering and using my time better. My self-talk is nicer and more productive.
Thanks to Jessica, I have a busy, fulfilling life that I love and appreciate!! She has transformed who I am, and I am so happy to know her!”
— Shari S.
Worrying about what people thought of me, caused my inability to take action steps to move forward in my business. Action is coming a lot easier than it did before. And now, I have a website, a program, a weekly live program, and a niche in the market. I absolutely attribute this to working with Jessica.
Also, since working with Jessica, I have released the people pleaser part of me, and my level of self-confidence has improved in general.
Sickness is part of my self-sabotage. I create illness in my body so that I avoid responsibility. In the past 2 months, each one of my children has been sick, and I haven’t gotten sick. And it used to be that I would've totally gotten sick from them. This is awesome!!
My hormonal acne was horrible (awful and painful), and I had struggled with it for so long. After working with Jessica, it has completely cleared up!!
I used to struggle accepting how much my husband loved me. I had a hard time understanding why I was worthy of that much love, care, attention, loyalty, and devotion. After working with Jessica, I have found that I am much more open and accepting of his love, and I no longer push him away. He feels less isolated and rejected. I feel a lot more connected and emotionally engaged with him. Before, my lack of self worth caused me to believe that I wasn’t worthy of that kind of love, and now I do!
Jessica, you are fast, efficient and incredibly intuitive. You have a very kind, loving way of calling me out where I need to be called out, without making me feel judged, so that I can grow and get better. Our sessions are very enlightening and very inspiring, and I love working with you and learning from you. You are incredibly gifted and talented as a healer. Your capacity to embrace and bring in all of these different modalities that you’ve learned, and different techniques you’ve created has created your beautiful gift of healing. I love my sessions with you. I always feel really amazing after working with Jessica!”
— Ellie Vixie
Now it’s like it’s fully gone, and I feel a big difference, not just for my left ankle, but for my whole leg.
Relating to abundance, I felt quite scared about work, exposing myself, standing in my own light and power, and I feel a lot more confident now, I’m not scared if I think about projects, events, or work. I feel excited now that I let go of so many limiting beliefs and broadcast messages that are not useful for me. I learned how to visualize how to attract my ideal client. There's a deeper sense of calm that has come, that makes me feel more joyful too, more proud of myself, and who I am and everything I do.
In my hormonal system I felt the change, pre-menopausal hot flashes, and are almost gone now, and a deeper sense of calm, and it feels like my body doesn’t need to go into stress mode so quickly.
I used to be a good sleeper, but this course I’m in is really intense, and got me into loops of thinking, and I couldn’t sleep. But now I’m sleeping much better, I drift off, and sleep really well.
When we started I thought we would attack the issue with my ankle, and in a few sessions I’d be better, but I actually had many, many more layers than I thought. I’ve had previous energy healing in the past. I didn’t expect that we would work so deeply.
The benefit of working with you, as compared to other energy healers, is that even without really knowing me, you found exactly what was bothering me the most. You reached deeper layers that no one has reached yet, that I knew were there. It was also much easier because I did not have to discuss painful past situations, you could heal it without having to relive it, and have my thoughts bring me back into my past trauma.
I like your personal energy of being very pure, and very open and honest, and so my energy system resonates with you, feels very safe.”
— Elisabeth VP
— Michelle T.
I felt like work was getting done and things were stirring and clearing!"
— Treycee A.
After the fourth session of working on my self confidence, I was able to feel comfortable in social settings, and I noticed a feeling of peace regarding my interpersonal relationships. The energy healing sessions have also relieved pain, allowed more focus, and promoted creativity. I highly recommend the time and investment of incorporating energy healing into a self care practice.”
— Vicki
About Health
He has taken the initiative, and is now an emerging leader as the youngest Junior Trainee Instructor in his Taekwondo class. Thank you, Jessica!”
— Sandy
So we were really struggling with grumpiness and lack of sleep with Dad trying to help, but not being able to. After a few sessions, the improvement in sleep has been amazing, and they are able to sleep better, and we have less wake ups during the night. They allow Dad to help out a lot more, and they find comfort in him again. There’s been a lot more sleep and a lot less grumpy babies and grumpy parents. We have noticed overall happier babies!
Oakley has had issues with pretty much anybody talking to her, but especially doctors, and anybody who is in a doctor office environment. We have seen an improvement with her not being as scared around people and with people interacting with her. During her last office visit, she didn’t seem as terrified of everything, or scared. Before when we walked in the door of the hospital, she would shake and scream. Now, she was fine and even walking around the area, too!”
— Lindsey W.
About Their Children
My husband and I took him to the vet because his energy level was low and he was in pain. We opted for pain medication, which made him even more sedentary. We were even staying home from events because we wanted to be home with him in case he passed on. Now, he is back to walking 2 miles daily, his legs are no longer slipping out from under him, he is able to climb the stairs, and his huge appetite is back. Snoopy has his energy back and walking without pain, that is the greatest gift from these sessions. Thank you, Jessica!”
— Donna
Prescription medications, behavior modification techniques, and calming diffusers/collars did not work. Jessica has helped resolve Sadie’s aggression, Arrow’s intense fear, Salt’s aloofness, and Pepper’s abnormal spraying. Sadie is now playful; Arrow no longer hides or stops eating because he is so afraid; Salt no longer scratches me and is more affectionate; and Pepper now pees like a normal cat. Thank you, Jessica, for restoring peace to my home!”
— Sara Y
Two months (four sessions) later, my kitty is free of asthma!”
— Kate S., Roseville, CA
He is very active and takes his treats all the time again.”
— Sean
About Their Animals
gifts of money, birthday gifts, job offers, ways that things are developing at work. That is powerful stuff! And we didn’t even finish the whole program yet!!"
— Molly B.
Travel is an important part of my life, and this fall I have been invited to travel to 3 places for work. Just 6 months ago, I was trying to figure out the next steps in my career. I went from a precarious work environment, to successfully running my own business, with multiple clients that have me traveling the world for work. This is a combination I love the most: a job I love with traveling!"
— Allison G.
She has transformed who I am, and I am so happy to know her!”
— Shari S.
I was going through a break up, and hadn’t booked any jobs in a long while, so I was frustrated about that creatively and financially. But luckily, I was able to find you, learn a new practice for myself, and get myself into a new head space. And that absolutely happened, I am so very grateful for being in a new space. You opened me up to the power and magic of gratitude and that has been vital for me. My friends are starting to respond differently to me, they're saying I’m a new, lifted, brighter Eddie.”
— Eddie R.
Worrying about what people thought of me, caused my inability to take action steps to move forward in my business. Action is coming a lot easier than it did before. And now, I have a website, a program, a weekly live program, and a niche in the market. I absolutely attribute this to working with Jessica.”
— Elle Vixie
I feel excited now that I let go of so many limiting beliefs and broadcast messages that are not useful for me. I learned how to visualize how to attract my ideal client. There's a deeper sense of calm that has come, that makes me feel more joyful too, more proud of myself, and who I am and everything I do.”
— Elisabeth VP
About Abundance
You reached deeper layers that no one has reached yet, that I knew were there. It was also much easier because I did not have to discuss painful past situations, you could heal it without having to relive it, and have my thoughts bring me back into my past trauma.”
— Elisabeth VP
It has increased my compassion towards myself and helped me to shed ideas and perspectives that no longer serve me. Jessica's sharp mind, attention to detail, and empathetic, caring demeanor have made these sessions especially meaningful.”
— Mary
Her medical background provides a unique contribution to this type of healing: I found it very stabilizing and it gave me confidence in her abilities to facilitate the Body Code.”
— Kate S., Roseville, CA
— Elisabeth VP
You have a very kind, loving way of calling me out where I need to be called out, without making me feel judged, so that I can grow and get better. Our sessions are very enlightening and very inspiring, and I love working with you and learning from you. You are incredibly gifted and talented as a healer. Your capacity to embrace and bring in all of these different modalities that you’ve learned, and different techniques you’ve created has created your beautiful gift of healing. I love my sessions with you. I always feel really amazing after working with Jessica!”
— Ellie Vixie
Thank you, Jessica, for your guidance, wisdom, expertise, and for taking on all of my baggage and clearing all of that stuff. And thank you for revealing stuff about me that I didn’t know, about past lives, energies, and vows. It has all been really vital.”
— Eddie R.
She answers all of my questions and explains things in ways that I can understand and relate to. Her desire to help and heal is evident in the attention and care she provides to me, which is a make-or-break criteria when I select a care provider.”
— Matt