Frequently Asked Questions
I can help children of any age, before birth (yes, still in the womb), newborn, and up through teenage years. A child’s understanding is not required for the session because I am connecting with the child’s subconscious mind, the same way I connect with an adult’s subconscious mind. The child’s subconscious mind will understand all the questions I ask regardless of his or her age. I can help with behavioral issues and chronic physical issues the exact same way I help adults.
I can help all animals, from dogs and cats, to lizards, hamsters, horses and chickens. Animals can suffer from negative trapped emotions, Heart-Wall emotions, and imbalances, just the same as humans. I can help with behavioral issues and chronic physical issues the exact same way I help humans.
Dr. Bradley Nelson created the Emotion Code, the Body Code, and the Belief Code. If you would like to learn more, please visit the Discover Healing website: https://discoverhealing.com/ref/radiantliving/
Throughout life, we feel negative emotions such as frustration, anger, and shame. These negative emotions are usually felt and released in a healthy manner. However, when we are overwhelmed, stressed, or sick, the emotion may become stuck in your body. Because all emotions are energy that vibrate in a specific frequency, the trapped negative emotion is stuck, vibrating at a low, destructive frequency, resulting in an imbalance and potential damage to the surrounding area.
When you are suffering from heartbreak, your subconscious mind attempts to protect you by creating a Heart-Wall. A Heart-Wall is made up of layers of negative trapped emotions that are designed to protect your heart from being broken. While at the time this is helpful for you to survive that conflict or situation, over time, the Heart-Wall will prevent you from connecting with yourself and with your loved ones.
No, my sessions include both the Emotion Code and the Body Code because the Emotion Code is embedded within the Body Code.
No, I provide Zoom and email sessions. Because I connect with your subconscious mind, your session can be conducted using myself as a proxy, or substitute for you. My connection with your subconscious mind allows me to decode and remove your imbalances using my body. This means I can treat someone on the opposite side of the world, without even seeing this person. Furthermore, this is the reason I can treat someone who speaks a different language, an infant who cannot speak yet, and animals who cannot speak at all.
The email session process is the same as a Zoom session because you do not need to be present when I am connecting to your subconscious mind. An email session is shorter because you are not present to ask questions to dig deeper into an imbalance if you are curious. This is why the charge for an email session is less than a Zoom session.
Your conscious mind, the part of your mind that holds conversations and answers questions, is also the part of your mind that forgets where you left your car keys and what you had for breakfast yesterday morning. This is because your conscious mind is only 1% of all of your brain power. However, your subconscious mind (99% of your brain power) sees and remembers everything about you from before you are born and throughout every moment of your life.
The longer, or more chronic an issue is, the more imbalances have been interwoven and piled on top of each other. An improvement may be experienced with the first session. It is possible for an improvement to occur, but then disappear after a few days. This is because your subconscious mind is communicating to you that the session has helped and you are on the right path, but more help is required.
Results can be seen as soon as the first session. However, it can depend on how recent your issue occurred. Recent issues tend to have faster resolution times because they are less complex and have much fewer layers of imbalances.
My sessions tend to last about 45 minutes. Your subconscious mind will only allow a certain amount of trapped emotions, Heart-Wall emotions, and imbalances to be released at one time in order to prevent your physical body from becoming too overwhelmed. During the session, the imbalanced energy is resolved immediately. However, it can typically take 12 to 24 hours for your physical body to catch up and heal as well.
No, the bobber’s movements result only from the “yes” or “no” answers given by your subconscious mind. At times, the answers come through so strongly that the bobber pulls on my arm a little, but my arm is not the cause of the bobber’s movement.
Yes, after each session, I will email your session notes to you for your own records. This will help you to remember any homework you may have from the session, as well as provide reminders of the corrected imbalances for further reflection if desired.